Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Therapist's Urging: Write.

My Spirit,

Pulsing through my veins with all the force of the universe. It’s what brings me life, gives me my self. Lately it seems like we are strangers, though. Like an uncertainty has taken form where once was my being. Can an uncertainty be a tangible thing, an actual thing, a real something? I would never have believed it if I didn’t actually feel is so strongly. It’s bland but unavoidable. Powerful. Instead of rich, warm blood running miles through my body, I’ve got this stagnant murky slush. Some days I can’t move, and not just my body – but my mouth, and my brain. Some days it takes more effort than I think I can conjure. But I don’t care. At least it stops. Sometimes, on the dark days, the vein slush even keeps my tears from forming.  

But I live.

When I can’t keep my thoughts from damming up with my heartaches and anxieties, I remember when things were different, when my Spirit was different:


and free

and bold

and aggressive.

I could do anything, literally anything. I can say “yes”, then say “no”, and both are true and right. Because I could do anything – everything and nothing – just because. I am at liberty, and, really, aren’t we all? And I felt it. Like the freshest breeze at the beginning of Spring, after the snow melts and the daylight is finally longer and the world is bright and things are new. That was inside of me. The Cosmic powers that keep Life circling from infinity down to the dirt pulsed through Me, and I was alive, and I didn’t doubt it. Not once. And I think of where I went on a whim, who I loved completely, how I laughed unceasingly, when I thought about everything because it was in my grasp and so available.

Something happened. Something blocked me. Something inside shut off and stopped going for it or believing or really hoping that things are more than what they seem. The air is gray and heavy.


Today I sat with a woman while she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Life is gross, sometimes. People are cruel and humanity is cold.



But, regardless, my Spirit still flies. It’s sometimes so out of control it seems to live a life separate from me. At the end of the day, or the end of my slushy, icy spell, the fact remains – my Spirit is mine.

My Spirit is sweet, and soft, and alive, and brilliant, and strong, and resilient, and clever, and hopeful.


My Spirit is Me, and I keep on living.